A Warning of Things to Come
We are certainly living in the last chapter of human history and the end of all things is at hand. God's prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes---wars, earthquakes, tidal waves, financial upheavals, massive deception and rumors of incoming wars are on the way. Great calamities are about to come upon the nations, while America -the financial center of the planet -is getting ready to become the scenario of a worldwide crisis. In fact, financial analysts and prophecies within the Body of Christ, are both predicting that pretty soon there is going to be a financial crash in the US economy. This financial meltdown will create a repercussion all over the earth like a nuclear explosion---forcing the nations to accept the rule of centralized power---thus accelerating the coming of Satan's New World Order.
Most people are not aware of what's taking place, but the world is rapidly changing and heading towards the ungodly One World Government of the Beast. Even the political spectrum that is sold out to Satan provides relevant information on this subject. It predicts that by no later than 2013 (only eight years from now!), the continental regions of the earth will be joined as one political, social, economic, military and religious entity. When that happens, we will have a New World Order in operation.
During the time left before the coming of the Great Tribulation, God will bring a great harvest of souls into His Kingdom by using the saints who are sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit. The Lord will do mighty miracles through those who abide in His presence and operate in the pressure of His overruling power! It will be God's last call to the unbelieving world preceding the appearance of antichrist.
The Spirit is sending a wake-up call to all believers! A thick darkness of massive deception is quickly spreading over the earth propelled by the teachings of demons and seducing spirits. He warns that in the end-times even the elect---if it were possible---shall be deceived and this is already taking place nowadays before our eyes!
The mystery of iniquity is always at work! In the last twenty-years or so, the enemy has infiltrated the Christian leadership in America corrupting it through the love of money, worldly methodologies, and the pride of life!
In this day and age, there are two kinds of churches functioning hand on hand in the US (i.e., the Loadicea and Philadelphia churches!). Both look the same from the outside, but internally they are quite different. One is the counterfeit church that imitates the vocabulary of the Spirit and has an outward form of godliness (like a shaven Samson without strength!), but her actions deny His very power. She is proud, hedonistic and loves to compromise, embracing the American dream while yearning for the things spectacular and sensational. The other is the true Church of the Lord Jesus---pure, faithful, undefiled, meek and lowly---ever ready to reject worldly things, follow the Spirit, and act on His power: “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write…I know thy works; behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word, and has not denied My Name” (Revelation 3:8).
The Lord is saying to His people: “Awake and sound the trumpet!” While the Philadelphian saints obey God's Word, the Loadicean saints have gone after the ways of Balaam, Jezebel, and the worship of idols. Instead of Jesus becoming the end in itself, they are now using Jesus as a means to get their own personal ends! The self-sufficient, self-centered and self-important church of today, remind us of our Lord rebuking the Laodicean church for becoming twisted in her values, thinking that spiritual success can be measured and achieved through worldly human standards: “And unto the angel of the church of the Loadiceans write…I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot…thou art lukewarm…rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and…[spiritually]…poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).
Alas! The Christian establishment of America has ceased from being a Spirit-led ministry, becoming a business management corporation. The marketing driven church takes her seat with pomp and splendor in the Babylonian courts, while supping with the devil and flirting with the world.
Due to her love for worldly things, the Loadicean Church of today has turned her back on the things of the Spirit and has lost interest in God's uncompromising truth. She is now preaching a watered-down gospel based on commerciality, greed, marketing-schemes, manipulation, human techniques, celebrities, entertainment, pop-corn and milk-chocolate doctrines, simplified sermons designed to please everyone, politics, mammon, self-gratification and power. Many of the Loadicean leaders have even become pawns of the New World Order politicians. They have become a tool for Satan's political establishment, whose purpose is to deceive the gullible Christians who hang on their every word!
Those who insist in being part of this Luciferic counterfeit---both leaders and followers---will fall more and more into deeper darkness, they will grow cataracts around their eyes preventing them from seeing the truth, while making themselves vulnerable to Satan's destruction.
The time for hypocrisy and lying on the soft bed of compromise is over. It's time to stop grieving the Spirit by being lukewarm! The Lord is calling His people to take up arms in preparation for the battles that will be coming against the Church. Only the saints pressurized with God's resurrecting power will successfully resist the assaults of the enemy, the rest---to a greater or lesser degree---will fall under his control!
God's Spirit is already outpouring His anointing-power all around the earth to fulfill His end-time purpose. The carnal Christian will not see it, but those who walk in God's presence will sense and apprehend this blessing for the work that is to be done.
Salvation for the spiritually lost will spread like wildfire around the world and multitudes will get filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost. At the same time, humanity will continue to sink into deeper levels of immorality and depravation, calling evil good and good evil. As demonic activity continues to increase, the spirit of antichrist through the world system will bring great persecution against the Church of believers. Many will begin to doubt the deeper things of the Spirit (it will become out of fashion, like ancient folklore of a distant past), while exchanging it for a more shallow and humanistic gospel that will save their lives in this world.
The Holy Ghost warns, “he who has spiritual ears let him hear.” Alas. There are dangerous times ahead of us! Satan will be given more power to build the stage in preparation for the New World Order that will usher antichrist upon the scene. We can sense the opposition growing all around us! A new intensity of demonic voices, images, physical pain, subtle deception, and uncertainty will challenge the faith of believers in order to prevent them from rising up in divine victory. The Loadicean saints, whose faith is built on sand, will succumb to these attacks. The saints from Philadelphia, who remain on the Rock, will withstand the pressure refusing to bow down to Satan's demands.
Halleluyah! Those who read the back of the Book know that the devil has already been crushed under our feet. The handwriting is on the wall. The enemy knows that he is already a defeated foe. And so do we! If we are obedient and operate through the power available in God's Word, we will crush every hindrance, disease and opposition coming against us. In the midst of the battle, as we keep fighting with God's sword on hand, the adversary will be forced to surrender and run away from our midst: "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10:19).
Copyright 2004 by Marc Millan
To invite Marc Millan to your church, seminars and/or conference please contact:
Marc Millan Ministries
Dallas, Texas
Tel: (214) 575-0966
15 Mar 2025
And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered. 2 Chronicles 31:21Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Psalms 46:2 |
Online Teachings
by Marc Millan
Our Positional Rights
Divine Knowledge Leads to Victory
A Word from Our
Heavenly Father
A Warning
These teachings have been written by Marc Millan ©2004.
Not to be use, copied or published without expressed or written permission from the author.
Our vision and
goal is:
To teach the saints
how to arise
from unbelief and shine in the midst of
"Arise, shine; for thy is light come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
For , behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee"
(Isaiah 60:1,2)