
Marc and Melinda Millan


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Our Positional Rights

Are you aware that the devil has lost the legal right to torment you with the same afflictions he is using against unbelievers? And all because you are the righteousness of God in Christ:

“He who did not know sin in an experiential way, on behalf of us and instead of us, was made the representative of sin, in order that, as for us, we might become the righteousness of God in Christ” (2 Corintians 5:21 Wuest).

The word “righteousness” is a legal term by which the Heavenly Court of Justice declares a person ‘innocent” from all God’s judgment and wrath. In this legal process, the “guilty party” is forgiven from his sins, brought in right standing with God, and released from the satanic prison that kept him in bondage. Beloved, the fact of us “becoming the righteousness of God in Christ” was not a free bee; it came attached with a big price. Somebody had to pay for it and the only person that could do it was God’s Son.

When Christ became sin for us, He stood before the Divine Justice as our representative. Bearing the criminal state for the sins of the whole world, He took our place of execution to receive the full judgment that was due to us upon Himself.

From a judicial point of view, the word sin in the Bible is a debt that demands payment with judgment. This payment was necessary to satisfy the prerequisites of the Divine Justice for us to become innocent from sin and in right standing with God. The punishment for sin speaks of spiritual death, guilt, condemnation, punishment, mental torment, sickness, pain, disease and lack. By becoming our substitute, our Lord assumed upon Himself all the consequences of sin in His human spirit, soul and body to deliver us from its judgment and sufferings.

As far as God is concerned, the substitutional work that Jesus did for us paid it all! Redemption is an accomplished act that has already taken place 2000 years ago, when Christ was gloriously raised from the dead after compensating the Divine Justice for our sins.  This act of redemption accomplished a two-fold benefit.  First of all, it delivered us from the anger and doom of God's Holy Justice, canceling the guilt and condemnation that was being held against us together with the damnation of hell.  Secondly, it also delivered us from Satan's authority and torments, which included the power of spiritual death, mental bondage, as well as the curse of mortality and disease.

Halleluyah! Due to His love for us, our precious Lord paid the price that legally set us free from the enemy's power to bring destruction into our lives, canceling the Adamic curse where he was holding us captives within the prison of suffering and death: “If the Son liberates you ]makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionable free” (John 8:38 Amplified).   

In the eyes of God, His children are now enjoying a glorious inheritance. The believer is now hidden in the realm of His love and grace (Rom 8:39; Eph 2:8, 9; Col 3:3); standing spiritually justified from all guilt, condemnation and punishment (Rom 5:9; 8:1, 33,34); physically healed from all sickness, pain and disease (Mt 8:17; 1Pet 2:24) and mentally free from all trouble, anxiety and unbelief (Rom 8:6; Phil 4:6; 1Pet 5:7). Redemption also includes provisional blessings for our every need in this world: "...God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19 Amplified).

Why wait any longer? We don’t have to live like the unsaved do, conforming ourselves to the deceptions the enemy brings through our thoughts, images, and feelings as something unavoidable and logical to happen. We are positionally living with Jesus in the highest place of Divine Honor ruling triumphantly over all the principalities and powers of this world. It’s time for us to start arising in victory from our Heavenly position in Christ, appropriating by faith the Divine benefits that became ours when we accepted Him as our Lord and Savior: “May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be eulogized, the One who conferred us benefactions (e.g. benefits, endowments) upon in the sphere of every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3 Wuest).

    Copyright 2004 by Marc Millan

To invite Marc Millan to your church, seminars and/or conference please contact:

Marc Millan Ministries

Tel: (214) 575-0966


Online Teachings
by Marc Millan

Our Positional Rights

Divine Knowledge Leads to Victory

A Word from Our
Heavenly Father

A Warning

 These teachings have been written by Marc Millan ©2004.

Not to be use, copied or published without expressed or written permission from the author.

Our vision and

goal is:

To teach the saints  

  how to arise  

from unbelief and shine in the midst of


"Arise, shine; for thy is light come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

For , behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee"

(Isaiah 60:1,2)