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 Divine Knowledge Leads
to Victory


“…but through knowledge shall the just be delivered”
(Proverbs 11:9b)

We all know that every move of God brings a revival that spreads like wildfire.  What many people do not know is that Satan comes afterwards sowing his seeds of deception to neutralize the work of the Spirit. How true this is! In this day and age, the truth has lost its spiritual value and has acquired rather a commercial value. We are living in an age of commerciality, compromise, marketing methodologies, and mental techniques where even God’s Word is being packaged and processed like fast-food.

Nowadays things in the Church have become business as usual! Man made formulas are replacing the knowledge revealed by the Holy Spirit, turning Jesus into a marketing product (e.g. a barbie doll) that is in stock and ready to be shipped for immediate delivery! Alas! The Gospel peddlers don’t want to do anything that might present a challenge and offend their potential customers. They say: no meat! In the meantime, they keep feeding the Church with a milk chocolate Christianity that is appealing to the mind and senses of believers, thus, ensuring that it will be purchased by the masses.

Watered down Christianity is the reason why a great number of saints---while maintaining a facade of success and victory---are suffering of spiritual deficiency. What we are seeing nowadays is that people have learnt the language of the Spirit in the intellect, but they are not experiencing the power of the inner man that allows them to rise above the lies of the enemy. They keep going around in circles learning scriptures through formulas and methodologies of the mind, but  without experiencing the reality of God’s Word in spirit and in truth: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.." (Hosea 4:6a).

What is divine knowledge?  In plain terms, God’s knowledge is the act of perceiving (e.g. knowing) facts in the inner-man that otherwise cannot be detected in the realm of mental imagery and sense experience: “…Jesus having perceived (Gr. epigonosko: to know as a fact) in the sphere of His…[human]…spirit…” (Mark 2:8b Author’s translation).

As you can see, the knowledge apprehended in the sphere of the glorified human spirit bypasses the mind  seeking the approval of logical thinking. This kind of "superknowledge" emerges from God's Heavenly Realm as a factual reality that needs no further questioning to apprehend its message. God's Divine knowledge carries His saving power and deliverance and it stands in opposition with the knowledge that we gain from Satan’s world of corruption, which is ruled by the intellect and physical senses: “Now the soulish (Gr. psuchikos) man is not receiving those things which are of the Spirit of God, for they are stupidity (e.g. foolish, illogical) to him and he is not able to know them, seeing that they are spiritually examined” (2 Corinthians 2:14 Concordant Literal New Testament). 

Since the time of the Adamic Fall, we have been living in a luciferic society governed by Satan’s teachings of selfism (e.g. “the me generation”). It constantly presents formulas teaching that man by using his mind can become self-sufficient in himself, while at the same time, logical and rational oriented. From God’s perspective, spiritual knowledge teaches just the opposite. The Spirit says: “Put all your hope in God, not looking to your reason for support” (Proverbs 3:5 BBE).

Dear saint. Stop the vicious cycle of attempting to gain victory by trying to fight the enemy in the realm of the thoughts and feelings. Our Lord through His vicarious sufferings has already accomplished the redemptive work that man could never had achieved in his own strength and has won the victory for you. Once you know it in spirit and with childlike faith act upon it, your mental struggles with Satan will come to an end!

Mental struggling leads to frustration, defeat and spiritual burn out!. Get it? The mind of the flesh is a place that if you linger long enough will destroy you. Right know, without leaning into your understanding, divorce yourself from the sphere of carnal intellectualism and take a deep swim inside the sphere of God’s spiritual knowledge: "Yeah, if thou criest after...[Divine]...knowledge...if thou seekest her as silver (e.g. a symbol of redemption), and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God" (Proverbs 2:3a,b; 4,5)

When we abandon ourselves within the sphere of God’s Spirit, the knowledge of His Word will become real to us. Reality ministers divine certainty in our hearts creating a sense of divine invincibility and boldness; thus, providing the power to put it into action no matter how impossible the crisis might be: “But all that, which once was, in my eyes, so much profit (e.g. mental knowledge), I have come to consider, for Messiah’s sake, as utter loss. Nay, I go further, I estimate all things as utter loss in comparison with the transcendent preciousness of the...[spiritual]... knowledge of Messiah, of Jesus my Lord…that I may know Him, may know the power outflowing from His resurrection (Gr. anastasis: to stand up in the midst of crisis) …” (Philippians 3:7,9,10a,b Way).

Once your heart gets filled with God’s kind of knowledge, and comes to realize your rights as a child of God (e.g. your rightful status and inheritance), it will be easy to overcome the enemy from your victorious position in the Heavenly Places as a joint-heir with the triumphant Christ: “…I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known (e.g., I will cause you to perceive in spirit) my words unto you” (Proverbs 1:23c,d).

So what are you waiting for? Stop struggling in the realm of rationality and begin to perceive in spirit the reality of God’s Word. Once you turn your back to the mental appeals of the enemy---e.g., fear, worry, doubt, unbelief, self piety, depression etc---you will see how quickly the Lord brings victory into the mental, physical and circumstantial spheres of your life: “…Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord” (Zechariah 4:6e,f,g,h).

Copyright 2004 by Marc Millan

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15 Mar 2025
And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:40For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel; Colossians 1:5
Online Teachings
by Marc Millan

Our Positional Rights

Divine Knowledge Leads to Victory

A Word from Our
Heavenly Father

A Warning

 These teachings have been written by Marc Millan ©2004.

Not to be use, copied or published without expressed or written permission from the author.

Our vision and

goal is:

To teach the saints  

  how to arise  

from unbelief and shine in the midst of


"Arise, shine; for thy is light come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

For , behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee"

(Isaiah 60:1,2)